The current business world is more advanced, progressive and creative than ever. Today’s generation is in tune with technology, the internet and many other aspects of modern life, so it’s safe to say that hiring an apprentice is an enormous benefit to small business owners looking to succeed in the digital age. Apprentices have been a valuable asset to companies for hundreds of years — apprenticeships not only give a young person a step onto the career ladder, but they also provide businesses with a young person who possesses enthusiasm and eagerness to succeed. For small business owners, this can be a unique and effective way to improve their company. In this post, we’ll highlight a few of the advantages of taking on an apprentice and how they can impact the everyday and long-term success of a business. Apprentices Are Known to Increase Productivity While there’s a lot to be said about the importance of technology, marketing and establishing a brand — the attitude and quality of employees are key aspects of running a business that should never be underestimated. Productivity is a vital trait of any successful workforce, and it just so happens that taking on an apprentice can be a great way to improve the motivation and output of your employees. Research by the Department of Education has revealed that 75% of small business owners who hired apprentices enjoyed a noticeable boost in productivity. This means that, along with having a new, enthusiastic member on your team, by hiring an apprentice, you will be positively impacting your entire company. A New Face Is Always Good for Morale Low morale is something that affects every business from time to time. And while some business owners attempt to resolve the issue with team-building activities and incentive schemes, others have managed to improve workplace morale by introducing a fresh face to the office. As someone who is about to embark on a new and exciting career, an apprentice will cultivate an attitude of motivation and eagerness to succeed, with their infectious excitement for the job. Taking on an apprentice also creates mentoring opportunities and can open the door for current employees to move into more senior roles. Adept Use of Technology In an era when technology is very much a cornerstone of modern society, young people who are comfortable and skilled with using computers and other forms of tech are an enormous asset to any business. Today’s apprentices were born and raised in the digital age, which means this generation has the key skills they need to prosper in the professional realm. For businesses, hiring an apprentice who is adept and highly skilled at using technology — often more so than experienced professionals — is hugely advantageous. This means they require less tech-related basic training, have the ability to use computers and other devices efficiently, and can be a genuine asset to a wide range of industries from the get go. Author Bio:
Paul Fegan is the Managing Director of Capital City College Training — London’s largest provider of further education — which has trained over 2,000 apprentices on behalf of more than 1,000 employers. Comments are closed.